The Blood Fountain – Swansea Wales, UK

Blood Fountain

I was lounging today, taking a day off from my travels and thinking about this fountain I once visited. I traveled to Wales and found something very spooky!

Halloween is coming up, and I thought this was the perfect fountain to talk about to get the blood pumping for the holiday… literally. This fountain is called, “The Blood Fountain.”

Found in Castle Gardens, Swansea – this fountain is tinted red, and has a caution sign warning bystanders that the fountain dye may stain clothing. Now, I’m not sure if the fountain’s water is red all the time, but the dying of the water started during an event to support heart disease, and celebrate National Heart Month.

The whole community came together around this fountain and they shared in a picnic filled with heart-healthy goodies. Everyone was dressed in red and and all in support of the British Heart Foundation’s efforts to keep hearts healthy and people happy. It was wonderful!

Fountains can be such a call to joy. Festivals happen around fountains, people drop all their wishes into them, and they generally bring such life to a place that might not be so lively otherwise.

So this Halloween, go find a fountain, make a wish, stay safe, and why not keep your heart healthy while you’re at it!

The World’s Largest Fountain

Although this fountain isn’t built yet Emaar Properties in Dubai plan to build a huge fountain that will be the biggest in the world. Although it hasn’t been built or even named yet pictures can found on the internet showing off the beautiful design.

The fountain will be capable of shooting water over 150 meters into the air, which is the height of a 50 story building! And like other large fountains this one will have a integral light and sound show!


Another Fountain Video

I was scouring Youtube again and found this really cool video by SAI Fountains. I actually had showcased some of these fountains and had no idea they were made by the same company!

Halogen vs. LED Fountain Lights

I thought I would take a quick break in discussing various fountains and share a little knowledge I learned while helping my mother build her own fountain a couple years ago! One of the bigger questions we had surrounded lighting and the different bulbs you can choose from. The two most popular are Halogen and LED.Image

Halogen lights are the traditional lights you see on a lot of older fountains. Halogen lights are nice because of their price point as well as their performance on a dimmer. Outside of those two points halogen lights don’t have many benefits especially when compared to LED lighting.


LED lights may be more expensive than your traditional halogen but the energy savings are about 75% of the halogen bulb. LED lighting saves all the energy because they use much less energy converted to heat like halogen bulbs. LED lights also last way longer than halogen light bulbs!

Washington Harbor

Awhile ago I wrote about the fountain at the Washington Harbor. Here is a really cool video of the light show!

The fountain features: Day and Evening water and light shows, 41 custom Crystal ChoreoSwitches®, 3 Central Burst jets that reach up to 60’/ 18m, 42 Crystal LED IQ sequencing lights and Show Controls that can be run from an iPad or iPhone.